Only Supervisors can access the Timesheet Admin on their portal under Tools. 

Timesheet Admin Documentation

Approvers and Verifiers

Table of Contents

  • Manage Your Staff

  • Verify Timesheets

  • Approve Timesheets

  • View Current Timesheets

  • FAQ and Help

Manage Your Staff

This section lets you add, remove, and transfer registered employees to yourself or someone else in your departments. Once an employee is added to a supervisor, they will see that supervisor as an option to submit timesheets to.

  1. Go to and login.

  1. Go to tools - select Timesheet Admin at the very bottom. 

  1. To add or remove staff, please select Manage Your Staff. 

  1. You will see a list of all the departments you supervise. You can filter this list with the Department dropdown.

  1. To add staff who will submit timesheets to you, click View on the row for the correct department.

  1. If you want an employee to no longer submit timesheets to you, you can click Deactivate to remove them, or Transfer to assign them to a different supervisor in the same department. 

  1. To add a new staff, select the Add Staff option on the left hand side. 

  1. Start typing the name of the employee in the box under User. It should auto-complete the name for you.

Verify Timesheets

This option is only available to verifiers. Not all departments have a verifier. If your department does not have a verifier, you can skip to the Approve Timesheets step. For departments that do have a verifier, the timesheets must be verified before the approver will be able to approve them.

  1. Click on Verify Timesheets to see timesheets ready for verification.

  2. To see each shift in an employee’s timesheet, click Review.

  3. You can edit a shift by clicking the button or remove a shift by clicking the button. You can add a new shift by clicking the button.

  4. When you have confirmed all the shift data is correct, press .

Approve Timesheets

This section lets you approve timesheets before they are submitted to be processed by the payroll team. Note that if your department has verifiers, you will not see timesheets until they are verified by the verifier.

  1. Click on Approve Timesheets to see timesheets ready for approval.

  2. To see each shift in an employee’s timesheet, click Review.

  3. You can edit a shift by clicking the button or remove a shift by clicking the button. You can add a new shift by clicking the button.

  4. When you have confirmed all the shift data is correct, press .

  5. If you need to bypass the verifier and approve timesheets before they are verified, select the status filter and choose “Submitted”, then click the button.

  6. If you approve multiple departments, you can use the Department filter to change the department, then click the button.

View Current Timesheets

This section lets you view the timesheet data that your staff are submitting to you for the current pay period. This lets you see if someone is submitting the wrong times while they are still able to correct the timesheet. The staff will be able to update their timesheet until the last day of the pay period. You will not be able to approve or verify the timesheets until the pay period is over.

FAQ and Help

  • I don’t see Timesheet Admin in my Tools menu

    • Contact and ask them to verify that you are set up as a timesheet verifier or approver.

  • My dashboard says I still have timesheets to approve/verify but I have approved them all

    • You may need to adjust the filters on your Approve/Verify timesheets page. 

    • Check the Department filter and make sure there are not more timesheets submitted to you in a different department.

    • Change the Status filter to “Submitted” or “Verified” to see if there are any timesheets that are still in those statuses.

  • After I approve timesheets how can I go back and look at the timesheet data?

    • Go to the Approve/Verify Timesheets page and change the “Status” filter to “Approved” or “Processed”.

    • Use the Cutoff Date filter to filter by Pay Period. The cutoff date will be the last day of the pay period the time was submitted on.

  • I tried adding an employee to submit timesheets to me, but their name does not come up when I type their name

    • The new hire process for this employee may still be pending. You can contact to inquire about the new hire process for this employee.

  • Why am I (or why am I not) receiving timesheet notification emails?

    • On the last day of the pay period, all staff receive a Timesheet Reminder email to remind them to submit timesheets before the end of the day. Anyone who does not submit timesheets can ignore this email.

    • The day after a pay period ends, all Verifiers will receive a reminder email to inform them that timesheets are awaiting their verification. This email will be sent every morning while timesheets are still pending.

    • Approvers who have timesheets waiting for them to approve will receive a reminder email each morning. If your department has a verifier that verifies the timesheets before they are approved, you will not receive this email until the timesheets are verified.

If you have any other questions or issues with timesheets, please contact or submit a ticket to the IT department.